Be Brave, Not Perfect
October 20-27, 2022
Jewel Paradise Cove
Runaway Bay, Jamaica
I wanted to personally thank you each of you for attending my first international retreat. The experience was of epic proportions for me and am still in disbelief that it happened. as promised please find below the link for
Your Package Includes:
Welcome Gift
Virtual monthly socials
Retreat Kit & Workbook
3 Coaching Sessions to help you set your retreat intention
(Pre, during & post retreat)
And much more . . .
Deposit $150*CAD
Deposit $150*CAD
4 Spots Available Remaining
Deposit will be required to confirm your reservation at that time​​
Payment options also available
All other departures are welcomes, rates will be worked out individually
In Collaboration
*All pricing includes air, transfers, accommodations, food, and taxes. Quoted in CAD, Toronto Departure. Deposit is non-refundable. Insurances can be purchased separately.
Yvonne's Travel and Tours TICO Reg #1549342
Affiliate of Nexion Canada, ULC 100-235 North Centre Rd, London, On N5X 4E7​

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